Swim Club Cork

After you or your child has graduated from the LeisureWorld Swim School or a similar swimming lessons structure elsewhere you will now be able to advance into our LeisureWorld Swim Club.  These coaching sessions are available to children, teens and adults across our 3 sites in Cork; Bishopstown, Churchfield & Douglas

These are available at different times throughout the year, please contact your local LeisureWorld Facility to see when the next course is starting.

These sessions are all coached by Swim Ireland Trained coaches, with Head Coach Deirdre Sheehan, Swim Ireland Level 3 coach.

Click below to view more details.

LeisureWorld Swim Club

LeisureWorld Swim Club

Swim Club Under 18s

Only suitable for advanced swimmers that have progressed though all levels of Swim School, or similar in another location. Ideal for children that are competitive swimmers or moving in that direction.


  • Fridays 18:05pm – 18:50pm


  • TBC

Swim Club Adults

If you are an advanced swimmer looking to compete or are already competing in swimming or triathlons then these advanced coaching sessions are for you.

  • No courses currently available*

How to Enroll

Contact us via phone or email below or call in to reception at your local LeisureWorld

  • Bishopstown: 021 4346505 | info(at)leisureworldcork.com
  • Churchfield: 021 4397868 | churchfield(at)leisureworldcork.com
  • Douglas: 021 4293073 | douglas(at)leisureworldcork.com


Swim Club u18s: €50 Monthly Direct Debit

Swim Club Adults: €52 Monthly Direct Debit

Contact your local LeisureWorld for more information.

Bishopstown gym Cork
Churchfield gym Cork